Proctors for Insurance Continuing Education Exams
Proctoring rules and exam instructions vary based on the type of course attended. Please make sure to read all proctor information, as well as course specific instruction.
Proctor Rules
All final exams require you to have a proctor who is a disinterested third party to monitor your exam. Your proctor must be present when you launch the exam through the entirety of your attempt. You have three options when choosing a proctor. The National Alliance highly suggests Option #1.
- Option #1: You may use MonitorEdu as a virtual proctoring option. With MonitorEDU, an extra device such as a smartphone or tablet is required. A proctor will observe you remotely on camera while you complete the exam at home or work. No appointment Providers are selected or appointed to represent the organization for all insurance coverage or for a specific purpose; an insurance procurement provider selection method. More is necessary, and proctors are always available. First navigate to the MonitorEDU website and pay their $18 proctoring fee. When you are ready to take the exam during the exam window, return to this site and click "connect to proctor."
- Option #2: You may visit a brick-and-mortar testing location. The quickest way to locate a proctor in your area is to conduct a Google search for "approved proctors near me." Your search results will yield official testing centers at colleges, universities, libraries, and learning centers. Licensee Insurance Associations (PIA, IIA, etc.) are approved in-person testing locations.
- Option #3: Someone in a dedicated HR or training department role within your organization may sit with you to proctor your exam.
As a student, you should never launch your exam without a proctor present. The time will begin and you will lose your exam attempt if your proctor is not present.
Your proctor should do the following:
Your exam will be available to you during a set 4-day testing window. It is your responsibility to complete your exam during the assigned timeframe. You must submit your proctor information to us prior to the end of your course. Please log into your account at on the Course History tab and locate your current course. Select the "proctor" button under the Action column. Fill out the form and submit. A set of exam instructions and an access PIN will be emailed to your proctor prior to your testing window. You will access your exam inside the Learning Portal.
Your exam will be available to you during a set 4-day testing window. It is your responsibility to complete your exam during the assigned timeframe. You must have your proctor with you when you launch your exam. You will access your exam inside the Learning Portal and your proctor will complete an online affidavit form.
All Self-Paced Online Courses require the participant to take a final exam if you are working towards earning a designation or if you require state CE credit for your license . The exam must be taken in the presence of a proctor.
- The proctor and participant must fill out all affidavit forms included in the exam and as required by their individual state (see state list below*.)
- The digital affidavit is stored in the MyDocuments section of the participant's account.
- A paper affidavit is filled out and submitted when the transmission of the electronic affidavit fails for any reason. The paper affidavit is generally submitted as a .pdf through fax, scan or email. A copy is saved for reference at The National Alliance.
*In order to earn credit hours for state CE requirements, the participants must select a proctor who meets the qualifications defined by the state, if required. Participants' resident states not listed below needs to follow The National Alliance requirement of using a disinterested third party to proctor the participant's final exam.
Continuing Education Credits
In order to earn credit hours for state CE requirements, the participants must select a proctor/monitor who meets the qualifications defined by the state, if required. Participants' resident states not listed below needs to follow The National Alliance requirement of using a disinterested third party to proctor/monitor the participant's final exam.
Disinterested Third Party: Someone with no direct business Includes trade, profession, or occupation. More or family relationship to the participant. For example, an agency
A relationship, express or implied, wherein one party (principal) delegates authority to another person (agent or proxy) to undertake certain activities for the principal. The agent's limit of authority and discretionary power depends upon the agreement between the parties. More principal
The entity whose performance is being guaranteed in a surety bond. More , a supervisor, a subordinate, a friend or family member
A person related to the insured by blood, marriage, or adoption who is a resident of the insured's household. More would NOT qualify as a disinterested third party.
The examination must be administered by a proctor, who must sign an affidavit attesting to the fact that the student received no outside assistance in the completion of the final examination. The proctor must be a disinterested third party, with a minimum age of 18 years, who can be any person except for family members or individuals who have a financial interest in the success of the student taking the examination. Co-worker proctors must not be above or below in the student's line of supervision.
Self-study exams must be monitored by the CE provider director, an Arizona-licensed insurance producer appointed by the provider director or a person appointed by the provider director who is in the business of administering education or examinations. The monitoring process must ensure that the student will complete the exam and that the specified conditions of administration are observed. Exams must be kept sealed until the exam starts. The monitor and the licensee must sign the Affidavit of Personal Responsibility.
For courses, meetings, or programs not personally attended, but taken by correspondence, a proctored written exam shall be required with proof of passing the correspondence course accompanied by an affidavit from the proctor in form and substance as may be prescribed by the commissioner before credit may be considered for educational hours for that correspondence course.
The disinterested third party must provide an affidavit attesting under oath or affirmation that: (1) The paper or electronic course examination was proctored; (2) The examination was provided in a manner specified by the Sponsor; (3) He or she is not part of or aware of any efforts to circumvent the requirements of the examination; and (4) No attendee was permitted to use study materials or have assistance during the examination.
Self-study courses presented via the Internet must adhere to the same requirements as other self-study methods. The exam may be presented via the Internet, but it must be completely separated from the text while the exam is being presented. The proctor must be physically present as the student takes the exam. The same affidavit requirement for proctors is in effect.
District of Columbia
A program of independent study shall qualify for continuing education credit only if there is a sponsor supervised examination. Each program of independent study shall be assigned credit hours, which shall be awarded upon the passing of the supervised examination. The program of independent study, and the number of credit hours, shall be approved by the Commissioner.
Monitors for exams for other than an interactive on-line shall: a. Be present to observe the exam and shall mail a monitor affidavit to the provider or school official. b. Collect the disk, CD, or other exam document for other than interactive on-line programs and mail or deliver it to the approved course provider, or school official for grading certification. 7. Self-study examinations may be given in the student's place of business if the approved course provider arranges for the approved monitor group to provide a monitor during the examination for other than interactive on-line courses.
Correspondence or other individual study programs (including taped study programs) will qualify if they certify satisfactory completion, including a proctored final examination.
Self-study courses. (a) In addition to the requirements of courses generally, an approved continuing education course provider shall also require for self-study courses, including computer-based courses, a written or computer-based examination at the conclusion of the self-study course. The examination shall: (c) A self-study course examination shall not be administered by a person who: (1) Is related to, or is a business associate of, the licensee taking the examination; or (2) Has a financial interest in the success or failure of a licensee taking the examination.
A self-study course means study material in a textbook, computer based software, or internet format designed for individual study by a licensee which requires a closed book, proctored examination. In addition to the requirements stated in 760 IAC 1-50, self-study courses are subject to the following requirements. Failure to comply with the requirements of this section may result in disciplinary action by the department under IC 27-1-15.6-12.• •When taking a self study examination, the producer shall do all of the following: 1. Sign an affidavit, supplied by the provider that states the producer did not use outside help, such as an open textbook or another individual, in taking the examination. 2. A second producer must sign the affidavit verifying that the second producer witnessed the first producer's examination and no outside help was used. A producer who takes the examination at a testing center that administers tests for professional designations may have a representative of the testing center sign the affidavit rather than a licensed producer.
Self-study final exams are required to be proctored. The Iowa Insurance Division defines proctored as the supervision by a CE provider or disinterested third party over the conduct of a producer while that producer is completing an examination that is part of a self-study CE course.
The amount of credit received by a producer for a self-study/internet course shall be based upon successful completion of the course and an independently monitored examination subject to the number of hours assigned by the commissioner.
Home study. Home study courses in which successful completion is demonstrated by passing an examination may be approved for the number of credit hours the Superintendent determines would be appropriate for the equivalent material if given in a classroom setting, up to a maximum of 16 hours, or a maximum of 24 hours if the course has a closed book examination that is proctored in a manner adequate to ensure the integrity of the testing process.
Self-study examinations must be proctored by an approved disinterested third-party and graded by the course provider. The proctoring process must ensure that the examination will be completed by the student, on a closed-book basis without assistance, and that the specified conditions of administration are observed. 26. Examinations by an insurance company may be administered or proctored by a disinterested party. 27. Self-study courses must include a proctored examination to receive credit.
Yes. It is the provider's responsibility to assure licensees complete exams without assistance. Providers must use a disinterested third party to certify this action or schedule separate testing sessions at a specified location.
All courses which are entirely self-study shall require successful completion (minimum score of seventy percent (70%) of a closed-book examination or multiple examinations, monitored by a disinterested third party, for course credit to be awarded.
Proctors who are a disinterested 3rd party are required.
Yes, a "disinterested third party" - proctor/monitor who verifies identity and processes affidavit testifying the student received no outside assistance. This would be an individual with no family or financial relationship to the student.
The goal of these standards is to deliver functional computer-based internet courses that offer quality insurance and/or risk management material in a password-protected on-line environment. The standards call for an examination which is proctored by a disinterested third party.
New Jersey
For self-study and examination courses, examinations must be proctored.
New York
Licensees taking self-study courses to complete their Continuing Education requirements must have their examinations proctored by a New York State Insurance Department Approved Monitor. Monitors are required and need to be approved by the NY State Dept. of Financial Services.
At the conclusion of a self-study final examination, the proctor must sign an affidavit attesting that the student completed the exam without assistance from any person, course material, or reference material. The proctor must provide their name, address, and phone number on the affidavit. Providers must be able to prevent the issuance of a proctor affidavit and student affidavit until the course and course examination is successfully completed. Affidavits may be administered and signed electronically.
Have monitor affidavit containing specific monitor duties and responsibilities printed for monitor's use to direct the taking of the final exam. Monitor will complete the affidavit after the exam is completed.
Self-study courses must include an examination to receive credit. The proposed exam must be submitted with the request for course approval. The exam must be a proctored, closed-book exam with no assistance provided to the student. 25. A disinterested third party must proctor the exam. The disinterested third party proctor or monitor is an the student; or a person directly supervised by the student. The completion date is the date the proctor signs and dates the exam.
South Carolina
In accordance with the changes to Regulation 69-50 regarding proctor approval, we are no longer approving proctors. Producers are no longer required to use a state approved proctor to proctor their continuing education courses. They may now use any disinterested third party. That third party may not be their employer, employee, supervisor, relative, spouse, or minor.
South Dakota
Self‐study courses shall contain an exam which shall be graded by the provider or a third party. No credit shall be given for a failing grade. Impartial "disinterested third party" (see below) - proctor/monitor who verifies identity and processes affidavit testifying the student received no outside assistance. Disinterested Third Party - We recommend someone with no family or financial relationship to the student or who is a licensed agent.
Exams need to be proctored by a disinterested 3rd party.
Before beginning any CE courses, participants must complete a Course Introduction Statement document provided by Virginia. Self-study examinations must be proctored in a manner approved by Pearson VUE. The proctoring process must ensure the paper and pencil examination will be completed by the student, on a closed-book basis, without assistance. A Pearson VUE Proctor Certification must be completed by the proctor and submitted to the course provider by mail, email, or, facsimile transmission within seven calendar days of course completion.
West Virginia
Self-study examinations must be proctored by an approved disinterested third-party and graded by the course provider. The proctoring process must ensure that the examination will be completed by the student, on a closed-book basis without assistance, and that the specified conditions of administration are observed. No examination by an insurance company may be administered or proctored by its own personnel.
include successful completion of a certified proctored examination. An approved proctor is an impartial, disinterested third party or currently licensed agent with no family or financial relationship to the student. The proctor shall verify the agent's identity and complete an affidavit supplied by the approved provider testifying that the agent received no outside assistance.
All approved correspondence courses, online courses and independent study courses must include a monitored examination. The administration of the examinations must be monitored by a disinterested third party.
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