Funny Text Fails Funny Text Fails Mom Bee Sting
Though the charm of a meaningful conversation with your BFF's will never fade, we cannot disagree that the text messaging has made our lives easier. With super-fast internet speed and a myriad of texting apps at our disposal, whatsapping or hiking has become the new trend. Every avid texter would be aware of the perils of auto-correct. On many occasions in our fast paced boring lives, the annoying auto-correct is the source of much humour. When auto-correct takes it upon itself to rectify your typos or express your true feelings, the result is a riot of laughter at most times. Also a texter knows that if there is something more dangerous than drunken driving it is drunken texting your ex. How many times have you woken up with a hangover that is worsened by the text in your inbox describing in details your drunken escapades? Burst the bubble of gloominess with these super funny text messages of all time.
1. When your Mom aced the test with flying colours.
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2. Daddy took the turkey a bit too seriously.
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3. When auto correct succeeds in trolling you. Damn that auto erect!! Oops! Auto Correct.
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4. Ah! So much for chivalry.
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5. The magic of homophones
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6. Love you to the moon and back darling!
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7. Who needs enemies when you have friends like them? How do your friends fare in comparison to this guy?
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8. This girl has only one thing on her mind… "Oh dear cereal, please come to me…I don't want to stay away from you."
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9. Dad wants you to know he loved you more than anything else. Who said superheroes aren't scared…they're definitely scared of moths and spiders.
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10. Auto correct loves the small moments you have with your parent. How many times have you earned an earful because of silly auto correct.
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11. Didn't you really forget your phone at home? Dad texted you to let you know you had left it on the couch.
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12. He might be high but sure does have a point. High-five mate. It definitely is scientifically mad fucked up.
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13. This girl really knows how to put away the nagging texter. More power to you girl.
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14. And this one just took it a notch higher. Way to go girls!
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15. I think I just lost my appetite for the lightly fried fish fillets.
16. Conspiracy theories just went up a notch with this one.
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17. Fooled you into thinking finally Mom is getting a hang of things for a moment isn't? Moms can be amusing, annoying, nagging but sure are adorable.
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18. Maria would probably like the dog more. The dog sure does like her.
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19. Oh Lord! Mom No jeez!! I can't take it anymore. I mean really really, you sent me what you did or am I dreaming?
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20. "I promise it was an honest mistake. I didn't realize LOL meant Laughing out Loud."
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21. Parents – A species you can't live with and can't even live without. If everyone in the world was as understanding as this Mom it would be a gazillion times better place to live in.
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22. Don't forget she is your MOM and two can play the game. And I guess Mom gets all the brownie points this time.
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23. A little lie is sometimes better than the cruel truth. Yes Mom might be slow in catching up with technology but remember she was the one who answered the humungous pile of questions you threw at her as kids. It's time to return the favour.
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24. Hey sweetie when are you coming home? WTF?? (Internet lingo- What the Fuck! Mom lingo- Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.)
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25. Wondered what a conversation would your cat sound like? It sure will involve lot of bitching about your dog.
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26. Every binge drinkers dilemma the day after – "Dude how drunk was I?"
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27. And this one met almighty and came back during his drunken trip.
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28. This is what happens when a Transformers fan gets sloshed.
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29. The Harry Potter fandom isn't gonna be left behind. All lo and behold Lord Voldemort!
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30. "Dude I swear I had drinks with Dumbledore last night. I always knew he could not die."
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31. And you thought Hagrid was just a figment of your J.K. Rowling's imagination.
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32. This is what a few rounds of neat liquor will do to you.
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33. When your best friend decides to turn the tables on you…I totally see what you did there mate.
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34. Dogs are undoubtedly a man's best friend…but a conversation with your dog can get seriously sassy.
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35. And you thought that was the end of it??
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36. Isn't this every dog owner's dilemma? How can you say no to those puppy eyes and sombre faces?
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37. And right when you think the tirade ends and you're about to relax in your brand new lounger reading a book, sipping piping hot coffee…this happens. Right shit does happen.
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38. Cats do know how to convey who is the boss in the house…and you thought you were.
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39. And you thought your dog was a BITCH!!
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40. And you thought you were the only diva in your house who loves to throw tantrums. Time for a reality check.
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